Small Business Financing Solutions – Made Easy

Published On: Monday, October 1, 2018

Making the leap from dreamer to small business owner is an exciting time, but it can also feel overwhelming. Understanding all of your financing options can help put you on the early path to success, and that’s why we offer a full suite of funding solutions to help you find the best long-term option. Learn more about how you can make your dream of small business ownership a reality.

David Nilssen | Founder of Guidant Financial:

Opening a business can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to financing. At Guidant Financial, our mission is to increase the number of people who succeed in small business. We’re here to simplify the financing process and guide you every step of the way.

We founded Guidant in 2003 and our objective approach has helped us become a leader in small business financing. We’ve helped 11,000 entrepreneurs in all 50 states to invest more than $3 billion into the business of their dreams.

Our full suite of financing options include 401(k) rollovers, SBA loans, unsecured loans and portfolio loans.

Our most popular financing solution is the 401(k) rollover, also known as a Rollovers for Business Start-ups —or ROBS. With ROBS, you can invest up to 100 percent of your retirement assets into a small business or franchise without taking a taxable distribution or getting a loan.

SBA loans are also a very common funding option. These [loans] are very attractive to both business owners and banks as they offer low interest rates and are backed by the government.

Whether you want to start a new business, purchase an existing one or expand a business you already own, these financing solutions can help you make your dream a reality. This is YOUR vision — we’re simply here to support it.

It’s never too early to start thinking about financing, so take the first step and get pre-qualified today. By investing the time to understand your options now, you can confidently pursue the life you want.

If you would like to connect with Guidant, please click on their logo to be directed to their website:

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